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4 How To Customize the Facebook Like Social Plugin?

Have you ever tried to change the Facebook social plugin's (comment box or like box) look? It is pretty simple and can be done using simple Javascript modification. 

Modified Like Box
If you name the iFrame using prototype framework as shown below it will give desired results.

It will work with any framework. Make sure to load this javascript at the end of the page so that it will not slow down the site speed. To achieve this try to add this script just before the </body> tag or add a defer before the </script> in javascript codes.

A defer code in Javascript will look like below example. It will tell site to load that script at last and so on.

As the iframe name is changed each time its been created, this will not block the change you make to its content while compiling. The main codes remains same as the FB developers provides and locally your website changes its look so that the original coding remains unharmed.

If you wish to change the look of Facebook comment box social plugin in simple ways, has excellent article on it. Click here

Even have provided complete guide on how to customize facebook like box with CSS. Click here

With CSS modification you can remove facebook brand name at the base of plugin, change background and border color and even add your own descriptions. With new design and custom changes this FB box will look totally different than regular box and certainly attract more people to like and comment. 

Complete CSS code on site Click here, Click here
How To Customize the Facebook Like Social Plugin? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Choozurmobile