Google Android is currently the most preferred operating system for smartphone all over the world. There are millions of apps which are built to attract the new market. With this, surely there are hackers coming in to modify and let users do something funny with the available resources such as getting free updates, android rooting, modified ROMs, crazy apps and much more.
Here are some of the top android hacks available in the smartphone market.

Since hackers are working all the time to use the resources available, you do not need to wait for Google to release the updates. It's pretty simple, root your android device and install the custom ROMs. Once such developer releases the updates, you are all set to install them on your smartphone. Try here
Get Custom ROMs to have much better performance
Get Custom ROMs to have much better performance
Custom ROMs open up the limitless opportunities on your device. Whether it is new themes or installing third party apps or even boosting your phone's processor, custom ROM will help you do everything. These modified ROMs must be installed carefully otherwise your phone may hang up completely.
Set Mobile Data Limits
With many, it happens that their monthly internet bills go way higher than expected. This is because they inherently use more data while surfing through various sites or apps. By setting Data usage, you can stay assured and notified when data reaches a certain limit. It is very productive if you are not net-savvy and need attention like an alarm. Go to Settings > Data Usage
Turn Auto-Correction off
Do you like chatting more on WhatsApp? Does auto spelling correction annoy you? Just go to Settings > language & input and turn Auto-correction off. Not type anything, anyhow it will stick as it is.
Replace custom Launcher
The launcher is the interface on the top of your phone which facilitates its various apps and settings. The custom launcher will help you move faster and quicker than those boring launchers coming from companies. Launchers create a beautiful user interface which stock android doesn't come along. Great examples are Nova Launchers and Apex Launchers.
Use GPS Smartly
You already know that a smartphone has a dedicated GPS inbuilt. With its custom enabling and disabling settings, you can run certain tasks automatically. Such as turning ON wi-fi/Bluetooth when you are at home. Again Tasker is a great app to achieve such automation.
Enable Developer Mode (Get unknown Sources ON)
Sometimes third party apps do their jobs well than normal famous ones. For this, you may need to unlock a developer mode. How to enable? Just go to Android device's settings > About phone > And Tap on Build number multiple times. It will make you a Developer.
Also See "How to enable Android developer mode in Android 4.2?"
Disable Animations
Not all smartphones are smart enough to handle all animations and hence putting them off is a great option. Once you have enabled a Developer mode as explained in above tip, Under developer options you have 'Window Animation Scale, transition animation scale and Animator duration scale. Turn all of them off one at a time and see that your device has gained more speed soon or later.
Install APK files on your Android device
Get Paid Apps and Games for Free
Not all and always but sometimes, places such as Amazon Appstore, XDA forums allow their members get free access to their new apps which are for sale on Play stores. So keep looking for them.
Grab Credits from Play Store
Google pays for taking their surveys and opinions for anything from movies, TVs, ebooks, apps etc. So keep a track of them, complete short surveys and look for little credits they offer. Once collected enough, you can buy other cool stuff out there in a store.
Send SMS, Emails, and Data from Phone to PC
Pushbullet is another great app which facilitates a bridge between your smartphone and PC. With it, you can send receive links, draft messages, reply to SMS, emails and much more. Try Push bullet here.
Enter Smartphone owner's information
There are great chances that your lost device lands in some genuine hand and they want to give it to you back. But how? for this go to Settings and locate where you can enter your own information so that someone can look for it.
Track Your Smartphone
There are plenty of apps already available such as 'Find My iPhone' which helps a user locate their phone. Some provide call back services or return email, SMS facility if asked. Again, some apps allow owners to wipe their phone entirely so that they at least stay assured about their personal data.
ADM is also one of the most preferred apps for finding your missing or stolen smartphone. This app also allows you change the PIN so that no one can access your device. You can also wipe out your phone and remove its data completely. Isn't it amazing? If you are a businessman and have a precious database on your phone, you must use this app and its features. Try here
See What is causing your Battery Drain Faster
Some bad apps coming from unknown resources can spoil your battery power and so becomes a concern for you. On Nexus devices, you have a Power or Battery settings where you can see which resources eating more power. You can adjust your app usage accordingly or remove them wisely if wanted.
Customize Quick Settings
Android devices offer quick settings which allow users access some important things such as wi-fi, Bluetooth, airplane mode etc. You can edit this setting to enable/disable certain things which you need more/less. If you want more things to appear in your settings there is an app to do this 'Extended'.
Use LED Notifications
Smartphones have LEDs placed at various locations to display notifications. But few devices actually use them wisely. There is an app called as Light Manager which allow you set a certain color for a specific task. With this, you will instantly know what notification is tweaking you without having to wake your device. Get Light Manager
Overclock your Smartphone to utilize its complete resources
Overclocking is certainly not dangerous if done properly. If you have a slow performance issue with your phone, you can easily set its parameters to perform faster than before. This means you will need to root your smartphone to allow it to use an extra battery, memory, and other things. The only thing to note here is with boosted processor use, there is an addition heat created and overwhelms the inbuilt cooling system. So, well build overclocking app must be used for this purpose.
Play Classic Games on your Android Phone
You must have remembered the old day's retro games playing with putting coins in the game machine. Those classic style games are now available with a smartphone, thanks to the hackers and developers. Gameboid and Ataroid are the two top choices for this purpose. They have also hacked successfully the android devices to suit for NES controllers using with a smartphone. Try this
Nandroid Backup
You would probably surprise to know your old iPhone can run an Android operating system.
Get detailed battery graph
Connect your Android Device to TV
Taking screenshots on your smartphone is a basic need. Whether is an online page or any screen, you may need to save it for reference. Some hackers have done this job well. For this, you need to root your phone and install a suitable app. A latest ShootMe app will allow you do this easily with a simple shake.
Spoof people using fake GPS locations
Enable developer mode in android > allow mock locations > install Fake GPS Location Spoofer Free from play store > on the coveted menu select GPS only > choose a location of the map to fake > that's done!
Play Classic Games on your Android Phone
Nandroid Backup
It is for rooted phone. For this, one must have rooted their device and have a custom recovery installed. Nandroid backup mirrors your smartphone's current settings, messages, call logs and saves as a copy to your said location. It does not take backup of your data and media files. Try this
This is very useful in situations when you have just installed a custom ROM and you do not like it for some reason, using the nandroid backup you can restore your device to its basic version.
Advance your Media Centre with Gmote Android App
One of the smartphone limitations includes its limited space. You constantly need to remove the old media files to copy the new one. With Gmote app, you can easily sync your new media folder to your smartphone so that it is automatically remains updated as per your needs. It is a simple hack that enables you to stay in touch with your fresh media choices. Get latest Gmote here
Guest Mode on Android Phone
Guest mode is a perfect way to stop anyone surfing your private data. By activating a guest profile, you will stay assured that no one else can see your settings and so blocked content. LG's latest phones come with Guest profile feature and that is very productive currently.
Force 4X MSSA
Guest mode is a perfect way to stop anyone surfing your private data. By activating a guest profile, you will stay assured that no one else can see your settings and so blocked content. LG's latest phones come with Guest profile feature and that is very productive currently.
Force 4X MSSA
Applications which run OpenGL ES 2.0 can be improved for their graphics output by adjusting MSSA settings. But it will eat more of a battery juice by enhancing performance and graphics speed, especially for game lovers. This is achieved by adjusting pixels through Multisample Anti-Aliasing 4x techniques.
Install Root-Only apps
If you are a really smart phone user, you must go for rooted apps for all your needs. These apps gain extra access and give the best performance. They use your device's modified resources otherwise which is not possible with a standard smartphone. Rooted device means full control over hardware and operating system. Some of the system functions are not allowed by standard devices for which root are an ultimate solution.
Enable USB Debugging
USB debugging allows programs to access your phone when connected to PC. It has much scope especially when your device hangs completely or its PIN gets locked etc. For this first, you need to root your device, unlock boot loader and to install a custom ROM.
Enable USB Debugging
USB debugging allows programs to access your phone when connected to PC. It has much scope especially when your device hangs completely or its PIN gets locked etc. For this first, you need to root your device, unlock boot loader and to install a custom ROM.
Turn your Android phone into Wi-Fi hotspot
Using Wireless Tether App, you can actually convert your device into a Wi-Fi hotspot. For this, you need to root your android phone. With this, you can connect to any other device easily. But you should always know that rooting your device will void is warranty.
Using Android on old iPhones
Yes, its pretty possible with software such as Redsn0w and Pwnage Tool. You may wonder seeing android running on your iPhone and get totally crazy experience.You would probably surprise to know your old iPhone can run an Android operating system.
Block unwanted Ads
One of the major complaints about Android apps is the free ads displaying all the time. If you are fed up of those ads everywhere, you can easily get rid of them by rooting your phone and installing the Adfree app. There are also some other apps available.
Enhance Sound performance
Using an Equalizer App which is available on Google Play store, you can actually see the changes in sound quality. If you have trouble with sound on your phone, this app is really helpful to sort out those issues. You can also flash custom sound mods by rooting your device before. Currently, developers are making those mods suitable to enhance those sound mods.
Get detailed battery graph
Poor battery life is a major current issue everywhere. People need their smartphones whole day and a battery is of a prime requirement. If you can see the overall battery graph on your device, you can actually see which apps are eating more of it and which of them needs to be shut down to enhance battery life.
Check Date and Time with single tap
If you tap and hold the status bar on your phone, it will display your date and time instantly.
Check detailed Mobile Data usage
Most of us are still using mobile data instead of wi-fi. Using extra data will increase your bills, but if you could monitor your data usage, you can control much of it. A lot of people waste huge money on their internet bills just because they do not monitor the usage and background downloads. Just go to Mobile data under Wireless & Networks in Setting app. You will see the detailed report on data usage.
View Desktop version of mobile sites
Most of the time mobile sites are short and sweet, however, if you want to access the full desktop page of a site, you can do so in today's large screen tablets and phones. If you are using chrome, launch the site, got to the menu and enable Request desktop site.
Gesture Typing
Typing long messages is a tedious task for many of us. Gesture typing is very popular nowadays. There are third party apps such as SlideIT free keyboard which will enable you to type faster with accurate guesses. This app works amazing by just swiping your fingers on the keys and not typing them, a gesture bar will suggest you the words automatically.
Get rid of App Notifications
Some apps keep sending your notifications all the day. If you wish not to have them specifically & keeping all other notifications alive, just go to App settings and uncheck the option saying "Show notifications".
Automatically Record phone calls on your Device
Mostly call recorders doesn't come with smartphones. You need a third party app for this purpose. There are plenty of recording apps available on Google Play Store. Surely you will like them.Connect your Android Device to TV
Using HDMI ports you can connect your phone to LED tv. If your device does not have HDMI port, look if it supports MHL adapters. You can also buy MHL adapter online.
Set LED colors for the Notifications
Using a third party app called "Light Flow" you can set the LED color to your custom apps and notifications easily. With paid version which is about $2.49, you can customize LED settings for almost 600 apps. Sound's great get it here.
Take Screenshots of your smartphone
Spoof people using fake GPS locations
Using Apps such as Fake GPS Locations, you can display the world a fake location while you are actually at your home.
You can also use Fake GPS Location Spoofer Free
Open blocked Sites and Content
In some countries, YouTube and many other sites are blocked by their governments and authorities. Using private networks such as Hotspot Shield you can easily access them. SuperVPN is yet another app for this purpose.