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0 Withings Thermo - A Connected Thermometer

Digital thermometer are many, but Withings latest thermometer is a smart one. It is a connected thermometer, allowing you to keep track of your body temperature. And like the Body Cardio scales, the digital thermometer links to your Withings Health account via the app and keeps tabs on your temperature over time. 

With its in-built 16 infrared sensors taking 4,000 measurements, its accuracy is way sharper than any other digital scale in the market. Again its the first wi-fi connected thermometer, with unique hotspot sensor technology making readings both precise and simple. 

 Withings Thermo

Whether is your child baby, infant, toddler or an adult, Withings Thermo works for all. A complete family first aid for all who might suffer fever.

 Withings Thermo

Withings Thermo - A Connected Thermometer Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Choozurmobile